Under the shade of our mulberry trees and along the pathways, we displayed artwork, served refreshments and held raffles. We entertained garden members, families, friends, neighbors, children and pets under the direction of our MC, Connie Barrett. Entertainment included taped music provided by members Greg LeClaire and Nicholas Nicolosi, live jazz sung by Sarie Teichman and a poem written about the garden read by the poet, Davidson Garrett.

The garden honored donors John Derian, Rosie’s Restaurant and Primi Restaurant, welcomed the attendance of Safiya Sabir and Genevieve Outlaw from the Manhattan Land Trust, and acknowledged our retired members.

Special thanks to Anniversary Chairperson Barbara Horn for her continued attention to all the many preparations and details for this successful and fun event, and the helpful participation of all the new and old garden members.

ALBERT’S GARDEN …. poem by Davidson Garrett
Page Header Photo by Shannon Anderson